A Most Important Question for 2022

Many of you have probably heard about Ben Franklin’s 13 virtues. The statesman kept a list of virtues, or character traits that he desired to perfect and kept track of them rating himself frequently on his ability to reach those ideals. (He started with 12 and then as he became proud of his achievements, realized that he needed to add humility to the list.)

Along the same lines, there is a question you need to ask yourself as you think about what you want to achieve in your next Sprint, or the next year. While you’re listing the things you want to achieve in your career, in your finances and for your family, remember that besides achieving these worthy goals, you must grow as a person. Jim Rohn said anyone can be a millionaire, the question is who do you have to become to do so.

So the question I’d like you to ask yourself as we enter 2022 is this: WHAT IS THE HIGHEST IDEAL OF MYSELF THAT I CAN IMAGINE?

This ideal may include some ambitions like those from Franklin’s 13 virtues such as Order, Industry and Sincerity. You may have others such as Kindness, Generosity and Stoicism. What matters is that these are characteristics that are important to you. When you close your eyes and think of your best self - the best person you can be to yourself, your family, and your friends. Think of the best person you can be for your health, your career, and your growth. Reflect on situations when you weren’t your best self. Situations with circumstances got the best of you and you responded in a less than ideal way. What characteristics could you practice to avoid having that happen again?

You are not looking for perfection. You are looking at a picture of an ideal and working towards it day by day. And as you do, your other goals will be easier to achieve.


The 15 Commitments for 2022


The Practice of Having