To-do Lists and Scrum for Your Life
There is a big difference between traditional to-do lists and Scrum for Your Life.
The 15 Commitments for 2022
Here are 15 values for you to commit to adapting into your life this year.
A Most Important Question for 2022
There is an overriding question, the answer to which will help you achieve all of your goals.
The Practice of Having
Practicing Having can increase true feelings of gratitude, which is good for you and the people around you.
Your Goals Have Problems
Sometimes it’s necessary to reframe your problems before setting goals.
What is Your Philosophy?
Taking responsibility for your life can result in a dramatic acceleration of your success.
Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation
Documentation is easier and faster in Scrum.
Timeboxing for Productivity
Sometimes even a small amount of uninterrupted time can boost your productivity.
Striving Versus Arriving
It is in our nature to always want more. Take some time to enjoy what you already have.
That Big Goal
It takes courage to start working on a big goal. Starting with small steps is the key to finishing it.