Skip Motivation
Are you motivated to accomplish your goals? Do you get up every morning with fire in your gut ready to tackle everything you’ve laid out before you? The likely answer is no. Certainly not every morning, or every day. There are days when you just plain don’t feel like doing anything on your goals list. It happens to all of us. An illness, a family emergency, or an urgent crisis at work can take away your focus and leave your motivation lacking. I always liked the phrase, “My get up and go, got up and went.”
You can stay on focused on your goals though without the passion of a Tony Robbins seminar. Scrum for Your Life is designed to do just that. You choose a small goal or part of a larger goal that you know you can accomplish in four weeks, then each day to take small steps to accomplish it. It doesn’t require motivation. It requires your Daily Scrum and commitment to accomplish the small tasks on the list for that day. At the end of four weeks you have something you can call done and be proud of.
If you rely on motivation to work on your goals, your progress will be uneven and so will your results. Plan your Sprint, do your Daily Scrum, and watch what happens - with or without motivation.