The Second Edition is Here!

I recently published the second edition of Scrum for Your Life to Kindle. In this edition, I take you to the next step in using Scrum to achieve your personal goals, by incorporating the use of Trello. Trello is free software tool available for your phone and laptop that uses Kanban boards to track activities. By combining the Kanban boards with the Scrum ceremonies, we get Scrumban, the very system I use in my day job to track software development.

While I still think it’s important to write some things out longhand, such as your accomplishments and your retrospective, the electronic aspect of Trello is a genuine enhancement over spreadsheets or other ways of tracking your Sprint progress. First of all, it’s portable. In the not too distant future, everything will be done on your phone, and this supports that trend. It also makes it easy to move tasks between your Backlog and your Sprint, and between the stages within the Sprint. You can also add checklists, comments and even photos to the tasks you track in Trello.

Scrum for Your Life is still a short book and is available for just $4.99. I promise you will get many times that value from just reading the book, and much more if you implement the system.


Improving Your Long-Term Vision


Counting Everything