More on Tolerance

I received some feedback about my last post that I perhaps delved into a little too much technicality, so in this post I will simplify.

The concept is this: You get in life what you are willing to accept. It works like this: If you don’t feel deserving of (health, love, money,) you won’t get very much. And if you feel deserving, of something, but are willing to settle for less, you will get exactly that! So explore the questions below, and see if any of them apply to you. Then adjust. Decide that you will not allow

  1. I want to reach my ideal weight, but I’m okay if I’m ______ pounds overweight.

  2. I want to be debt free, but I’m okay with ______ dollars in credit card debt.

  3. I want to have a loving relationship, but I’m okay if my partner treats me poorly.

  4. I want a stellar career, but it’s not worth the risk to pursue it.

  5. I want to run a marathon, but a 10k will do.

You can ask yourself questions like this for any area of your life. The overarching question is; What will you settle for? Then examine your values., equate them to your desires and make a commitment - a commitment to getting what you really want.


Negotiating…with Yourself


What is Your Tolerance?