Scrum - On Weekends
Should you take a break from Scrum on weekends? You certainly could, but there are advantages to not doing so.
About Those Big Goals
Even your biggest goals will be accomplished through small steps, one day at a time.
Your Daily Scrum
The Daily Scrum is the easiest part of Scrum for Your Life, but don’t treat it just like another to-do list.
What is Kanban?
Kanban can be an alternative to the methods outlined in Scrum for Your Life
Imagination as an Ingredient in Success
We do indeed become what we think about. And we attract into our lives the things we think about, good or bad.
Incremental Imagination
Using your imagination is a key ingredient in reaching your goals. It will accelerate your acheivement.
Why We Often Fail to Meet Our Goals
It’s not your fault. You’ve been wanting to do something about that business idea you have, and it keeps getting pushed down the road. You really want to write a novel – someday. Maybe you want to go back to school for a degree, but you can’t seem to find the time to explore schools.