Bucket List Resources
Even if you think your bucket list is full, you’ll find some exciting ideas through these two resources.
Stay in Touch with Your Vision
You may have written your vision statement some time ago. It’s important to revisit it often.
Are Your Sprints Adding Value?
How do you add value to your life and the lives of others each Sprint?
Precision in Language = Clarity of Thought
The language can impact your life in positive or negative ways.
Negotiating…with Yourself
You are the most important person you negotiate with. How can you win?
More on Tolerance
Decide that you are not willing to accept less than what you really want.
What is Your Tolerance?
Allowing deviations from your standards may prevent you from reaching your goals.
The Retrospective
Reflecting on your behavior and taking action to improve it every four weeks is another dividend of Scrum for Your Life.
Loving What You Have
Maintaining and appreciating what you already have is necessary for a full and happy life.
Scrum for Couples
Having someone to practice Scrum for Your Life with increases your odds of success.
The Joy of Reviewing
Reviewing what you accomplish periodically feels good, and propels you to do more.
Why You Should Use Trello in 2021
Trello is powerful tool for helping you achieve your goals.
5 Reasons Not to Make New Year’s Resolutions
Most of the time, resolutions don’t work. Here are five reasons why.
Backlog Refinement
Major life changes should call you to review your Backlog. The COVID crisis is one such change.
Values Considered: Health
For me, health is an enabler. Which of your values enable other values?
Do you have something creative in your backlog?
Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from starting something creative.
The Circle of Development
Sometimes you need to start in the middle to find the beginning.